Write Time

February 2022, I offered a writer’s retreat–a two day get away at my home where folks could have dedicated time to gather with others interested in writing. We set goals, shared experiences, and worked through questions. There were optional opportunities to explore creativity prompts, craft critiques, discuss markets, script writing, free verse , and characterization. Independent time was used for writing, reading, walking the gardens, meditating, doing yoga or anything else that nourished the body and creative spark. And of course, we fed them… we fed them well. The group was so delighted that even before the first day was over, they had vocalized their desire for a second retreat.

We just wrapped up our Spring Write Time II retreat May 14-15. This time mini-lessons covered creative thinking prompts, query writing, agent-attainment, and manifestation goal wheels. There was still time for focused drafting, garden walks, optional yoga, and individual nurturing which fed the body, spirit, and mind. And again, we ate well. This time, the group decided to set a mid-summer meet up for accountability and celebration and set a date for a Fall Write Time III two day retreat.

What has it come to mean for me? Utilizing my prior teaching and editing experience, I initially had simply hoped to nurture adult writers in their chosen projects–to offer a sanctuary of time and space for focus with a like-inspired community. I had not predicted the palpable energy generated from so many minds joyfully composing. Walking from room to room checking on the writers’ needs, I was delighted feeling the wash of their expanded biofields and excitement of creation.

There is something special about the act of creation. Sure it can be painful. It can have an unpredicted flow of stops and starts and unpredictable floods. Regardless, be it through words, art, cooking, birth, music, dance–creation is clearing for the sacral chakra and liberating for the emotions and mind.

Even if you do not consider yourself a writer, you have multiple stories to tell. Tell them, for your sake, at minimum. Whichever format or medium appeals to you, will probably be the best for your drafting. Then, if you feel like doing something else with it later, you can always rework it.

Has it been awhile since you have allowed your creative side to play? Consider joining us for the fall retreat or a one day workshop focused on opening and balancing the sacral chakra. Watch the events page for dates and details. Until then, write on!